Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards legislation

Bookkeeping Services

We Have a Strong Team of Experienced Bookkeepers That Can Do Your Bookkeeping So You Can Focus With Working ”on” Your Business.

Just call us on 07 3715 8711 for an initial no obligation discussion.

We are there to assist

Do you want to work '’on" your business? Or do you want to work "in" your business?

We provide full bookkeeping services to many business clients using either the
client's own software, or our preferred (but not mandatory) Xero software.

Bear in mind that the ATO mandates the use of software given the need for Single
Touch Payroll and other automated requirements.

We can arrange software for you and also arrange direct bank feeds which reduce
the need for costly manual intervention.

Most business clients have quarterly BAS obligations. We will follow up with you to receive the raw information from you, check it and put it in the necessary format to enable completion of your BAS. While we're doing this we're also checking what's been done each quarter.

This means that come the end of the year, most of the work is already done and our
bookkeepers perform the annual review. This includes doing all the reconciliations,
explaining the balances in the Balance Sheet, doing an operational review to
investigate differences from one year to the next and then handing it to our
Accountants for optimisation, finalisation of Financial Statements and preparation of
Income Tax Returns.

If you are using a very competent bookkeeper, that's great. We'll just do a year end
review before the Accountants take over.

If however your (inexpensive) bookkeeper is not as professional and competent as
they should be, chances are that we'll find many errors that require correction. This
will be costly to you and negate any benefit you may have derived by using an
inexpensive bookkeeper.

Talk to us about the services we offer. We have a strong team of experienced
bookkeepers on staff who will not only do your bookkeeping but will also be a first
point of call for basic questions.

The wrong decision could be catastrophic for you or your business. Don’t take any chances.

5/120 Bluestone Circuit, Seventeen Mile Rocks QLD 4073

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