Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards legislation


To say that Taxation in Australia is complicated would be an understatement.

For a free no-obligation initial meeting to discuss your needs, please call us on 07 3715 8711

We are there to assist

Whether you’re a Salary or Wage earner or a Business owner, Taxation will affect you. The decisions you make now will affect how much tax you pay in the future. Accordingly, it’s important to be fully aware of the tax consequences of every decision you make so that there are no unexpected surprises.

As a Salary or Wage earner you could be making decisions about Salary Packaging, Superannuation, Investment Property, Share investments and a multitude of other decisions that will have implications for your tax liabilities. You could also want to know what is tax deductible in your case given your employment. With all these decisions, a quick conversation with us can set you straight so that you know exactly where you stand and how a particular decision will affect you.

If you are a Business Owner or Self-employed there are many tax compliance obligations you have to deal with before you even get to tax planning.

Should you have an ABN? Be registered for GST? Are you up for Payroll Tax, Land Tax or other taxes? What are your Superannuation obligations? What are Instalment Activity Statements (IAS) and Business Activity Statements (BAS) and should they be done Monthly, Quarterly or Annually? Should you adopt the “Cash” method or “Accruals” method for reporting purposes? So many questions that have to be resolved.

Having dealt with your Tax Compliance issues, you now need to know about the tax implications of your business decisions. How does your structure (ie Company, Partnership, Trust or Sole Trader) affect your tax obligations? What are the Income Tax & Capital Gains Tax implications of your decisions. What’s subject to an immediate write-off, what has to be depreciated and what goes into a “pool”?

As Taxation Accountants and Registered Tax Agents we have direct access to the ATO Portal and this allows us to lodge all your Monthly, Quarterly & Annual Returns electronically. Of course we don’t lodge anything for you until you are happy and sign off on what’s to be lodged. At the end of the day, we are there to assist, not to take control.

The wrong tax decision could be catastrophic for you or your business. Don’t take any chances.

5/120 Bluestone Circuit, Seventeen Mile Rocks QLD 4073

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